
Eating crude papaya and wellbeing

  L-ascorbic acid It is wealthy in potassium and fiber, and a sugar-like substance in green papaya assists with processing food appropriately. Green papaya is great for joint inflammation torment, Osteoarthritis as well as easing gout and asthma, it eliminates malignant growth causing poisons from the colon by crap. Papaya is likewise a characteristic diuretic that […]


Medical Plants and Main Marative Diseases (25)

English Name: Fresh GingerSorts – zingiberraceaeBotanical Name: Zingiber OfficinaleMain MedicalUnmity Shriting disease; A joint arthritis; Chills Asthma, Delicious color disease Toothache Earger Used medicinal diseases for the disease.The areaOriginally produced in India and in China, it is produced in Myanmar and China. Chiang has been used as a spice in a spice. Of the Chin […]


45 medicinal uses of gooseberry

(1) For rheumatic diarrhea, dry gooseberry is cooked with eel. (2) For the itchiness, warts, pimples, and freckles that occur in acne, dry or wet gooseberry blood and add a little lemon and apply it. (3) For diabetes, take five-five cups of white urine or ground white urine. (4) Gooseberry is crushed and given from […]


Nutritional benefits of ripe fruit

Ripe fruit juice is a cold drink that is indispensable in the menu of a cold store. Let’s take a look at the benefits of this ripe fruit juice, which is delicious and has many benefits for everyone who drinks it.Nutrients in ripe fruitIn the ripe fruitVitamin CIronFiberWaterContains antioxidants.You can get these benefits from ripe […]